
Get Ready for KDAE Week!

By Gayle Hall posted 08-04-2009 13:40

August 10-14 is KDAE Week, 2009!  This is a terrific opportunity for nephrology nurses to educate our elected/ appointed legislators and policy makers and their staff about the needs of nephrology patients. 
Are you planning tours to your unit/program?  While visits to dialysis clinics are the norm, consider KEEP programs, CKD Education Classes or Clinics, too! 
How is your planning experience going? 
Have you encountered any challenges in getting to the right folks to schedule visits?  How did you succeed in getting the visits scheduled? 
Who are you inviting?  Federal Senators and Representatives are often invited but some have also invited State congresional members, Governors, Mayors, or even local officials (who may have more to do with clinic specific issues like transportation . .) 
Are your visits during KDAE week or later?  While KDAE week is set aside due to the Federal Congresional Recess, feel free to schedule the visit when it best meets your and your guests' schedule.
Do you have the resources you need?  Do you have a defined agenda for the visit you would like to share?  Any questions or concerns? 
Looking forward to hearing from you as you schedule your visits!  And don't forget to log them in as they are scheduled!! Click here to log scheduled visits
1 comment



08-11-2009 20:28

KDAE week is upon us and many of your colleagues are busy with legislative visits!! Leading off on 8/10 at Loma Linda, CA - Nitaya Sopraeno and colleagues. Hopefully, you got to see her incredible, inspirational story at either the National Symposium in San Diego or the Health Policy Workshop in DC. Scheduled 8/11 (and 8/13) - Renee Hill (Orlando) (go Renee!). Scheduled 8/11 Tamara Jansen (Mesa AZ), Pamela Casey (Glens Falls, NY) , Dawn Thackston (Mishawaka, Indiana). Those of you who have had visits, please blog about it!! Let us know your great stories and how it went - successes, tips, challenges - we want to hear it all! Keep the great stories coming! Gayle