
Dressing change

By Gwendolyn Austin posted 05-15-2012 12:58

We also change our dressings every treatment but we never use occlusive dressings. Our physicians only allow us to use gauze with tape. We found once we stop using occlusive dressings we had a decrease in infections. Our physicians feel the area needs the dryness not moisture which occlusive dressings tend to keep area moist. Some units only uses bandaids and they have had even less infection rate. Most our patients can only use paper tape which helps keep the skin from getting irritated.
1 comment



11-08-2015 12:25

We also change our dressings every treatment. We use the chlorahexadine impregnated dressings per hospital protocol. In some instances patients have developed some irritation to these dressings so we clean them with chloraprep and use 2x2 gauze and micropore tape.