
Thank You Acadiana #252

By Kathey Day posted 03-31-2011 08:38


Dear ANNA –Acadiana Officers and Members,

Well guys, we did it! Thanks to everyone for all the hard work and dedication in your support of Acadiana Chapter #252 and your CKD community. Another ANNA year ends with the closing of the VLW in Boston. To those that attended…a BIG Thank You… for the fun and camaraderie. The information presented was helpful in providing insight to the most current treatment options, research, and resources available in our efforts to assist our renal community. It was a wonderful time to mix and mingle with other professionals who share our love and concern for this vulnerable community of CKD.

To update our members and supporters, I am very proud to announce that Acadiana Chapter #252 was recognized for its hard work. Bringing home to add to Acadiana’s very impressive trophy shelf:

v  ANNA-Chapter Health Policy Advocacy Star Award,

           Which included a certificate and $500.00.

v  Winning 1st runner-up for ANNA- Southeast Region Star Award.

v  Congratulations to Acadiana Member- Charla Litton –as she takes the role of ANNA-National Treasurer.

As the ANNA year ends, I look back and wonder how we accomplished so much in so little time. Team spirit and a common goal are the driving force behind our achievements. Rowena Elliott took her role as 2011-2012 President for ANNA by giving a beautiful and emotional speech on soaring with eagles and the importance of seeking new heights. As I listened to her speak I thought about her words and how this applied to Acadiana and I realized we were already soaring!

Thank you for believing in my ability to lead us to new heights as your chapter president. Most of all, thank you for being the eagles that soared to new heights and carried this chapter to where it is today….a winner!

Welcome to the 2011-2012 Acadiana Executive Committee Members:

Mary Michael Bogues…..President

Gwen Ashley………………...President–Elect

Ty Belteton……………………Secretary

Gwen Austin…………………Treasurer

Kathy Ballard………………Chapter Health Policy

Please contact any of the above officers to serve on a committee or for information on the chapter activities. Their contact information can found on ANNAConnected.

I look forward to a new year and new possibilities!

Again- thank you for Soaring like Eagles!


1 comment



05-07-2015 13:53

Great job.
Also, wondering if the chapter will have a CDN review course and when.
Very interested.