
HHS Partnering to Heal: Teaming Up Against Healthcare-Associated Infections Training Program

By Loretta Jackson Brown posted 04-17-2013 08:14


Partnering to Heal is a computer-based, video-simulation training program on infection control practices for clinicians, health professional students, and patient advocates.

How the training works

The training focuses on prevention of surgical site infections, central line-associated bloodstream infections, ventilator-associated pneumonia, catheter-associated urinary tract infections, Clostridium difficile and methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA). In addition, it includes information on basic protocols for universal precautions and isolation precautions to protect patients, visitors, and practitioners from the most common disease transmissions. The training promotes these key behaviors:

  • Teamwork;
  • Communication;
  • Hand washing;
  • Vaccination against the flu;
  • Appropriate use of antibiotics; and
  • Proper insertion, maintenance, and removal of devices, such as catheters and ventilators.

Users assume the identity of characters in a computer-based video-simulation and make decisions as each of those characters. Based upon their decisions, the storyline branches to different pathways and patient outcomes. The training may be used by groups in facilitated training sessions and by individuals as a self-paced learning tool. While each of the five character segments can be done in about an hour, it may be desirable to schedule more time in order to allow for extended discussion.

